Asset Classes
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Asset Classes

Asset classes allow you to organize your assets into logical groupings. For example, given an asset type of Equipment you might created classes such as "Truck", "Auto", etc. Once you have defined your asset classes you can select them when editing asset properties (see the Assets topic for more information).

Asset classes have the following properties:




The asset class name, up to 80 characters. A value is required and must be unique for all classes (regardless of the asset type).


A description for the asset class, up to 255 characters.


The asset class ID, up to 80 characters. This value is not required, but if a value is entered it must be unique for all asset classes (regardless of the asset type). This is commonly used for synchronizing with external systems, such as billing or accounting.


The asset class status, either Active or Inactive. Setting the status to inactive will prevent its use when editing assets. Note that you cannot delete an asset class if there are assets that use it, and in those cases you will instead make the asset class inactive to prevent its further use.